Thursday, September 10, 2009


Everyone seems to be running this time of year. I run to Portland to deliver our beef to a few discerning and dedicated individuals at Pastaworks, Paley's Place, and Meriwethers.

The cows are running too. The first frost of the year signaled our cool season grasses to kick into high production. Rapid growth of the grass means frequent moves of the animals, and they love

Here they are crossing the road into a new pasture.

Once they walk in the gate and see the fresh grass, they break into a sprint.

Dave and Ty hardly broke a sweat.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


The cool weather offered us an excuse to escape to the pond on the hill. We had a great time throwing sticks for Ty.

That is, until Emmett threw the zoo car in the pond.

You can tell that Ty understands that he needs to do something VERY important. He just doesn't know it's that little, orange box that is so critical.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ready for Winter

Triticale in windrows.

In the bale.
In the barn.

Great-horned supervisors.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Since it's getting hard to see Kent in the triticale, it's time to cut it. We'll do that today. Don't worry-- it's for hay, not grain. The cows will thank us around January.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Beets, Carrots and Kohlrabi

Would we sufficiently appreciate this summer bounty had it not been for the long winter of eating cabbage and potatoes?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dinner Outside

Sometimes these hot summer days beg for a dinner of pizza on paper plates and good friends.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


When I checked the online weather forecast today, the usual sun graphic was replaced by an exploding thermometer. This is how everyone coped:

Friday, July 17, 2009

First Calf Heifers

In this image that my friend Anna took, you might wonder why all those heifers are on the brown grass on the hillside when the lush, green triticale is right below them. The answer of course is just over the hill: her little red dog, who is still running.